Want to become a volunteer or just help out on occasion? Check out the Ministry
Opportunities below – If you have an interest in learning more, let us know by
contacting us at info@wayofnewlifeministries.org or calling
- Opportunities:
- Prayer Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Hospitality
- Greeter/Usher
- Support
Ministry Descriptions:
Ministry – The
Prayer Ministry offers intercessory prayers for the needs of others. It is for
those who have the heart to give of themselves and to seek the Lord in prayer
for Our Nation and Other Nations, Our Leaders and Religious Leaders, Our
Families, Individuals, Special Intentions, and those that are laid upon our
Ministry –
We offer a Children’s Church service on Sunday’s for those between the ages of
3 to 12 years old. This service takes place at the same time as the adult
Sunday worship. It includes a Bible teaching and a craft followed by
refreshments and fellowship.
Ministry –
Our youth ministry is on Tuesday evening’s beginning at 7:30pm. We participate
in Praise and Worship, have refreshments, and then engage in a teaching with
discussion. The youth ministry welcomes those between the ages of 10 to 18.
Do you enjoy meeting the needs of others? Our hospitality ministry provides the
opportunity to prepare the refreshments served during our ministry fellowship
times. We also do a little light clean-up in the worship center too. This is a
fun ministry to be a part of because it touches so many lives.
– If
you have a heart for making people feel comfortable, becoming a greeter
provides the opportunity to extend that warmth to all who walk through our
doors. This caring ministry is the first point of contact in the expression of
Christ’s love.
Supporting the ministry can be done through time, money, and prayer. We are
happy that you want to contribute in any way that you can. Please bring your
ministry support ideas to us because we believe that God has given us all
individual gifts that can be used to further His kingdom.